The reactions of the title complex (1) with different p-block element (E) molecules was examined. Compound 1 reacted with BH·THF at room temperature to give the trihydride [WCp(μ-H)H(μ-PPh)(NO)], which formally results from hydrogenation of 1, a reaction that actually does not take place when neat dihydrogen is used. Clean E-H bond oxidative addition, however, took place when 1 was reacted with HSnPh, to give the related dihydride stannyl derivative [WCp(μ-H)H(μ-PPh)(NO)(SnPh)]. In contrast, the reaction of 1 with HSPh involved H elimination to give the thiolate-bridged complex [WCp(μ-SPh)(μ-PPh)(NO)], while that with (p-tol)C(O)H resulted in insertion of the aldehyde to yield the related alkoxide complex [WCp{μ-OCH(p-tol)}(μ-PPh)(NO)]. Insertion also prevailed in the reactions of 1 with CNBu, which, however, involved the competitive formation of new C-H or N-H bonds, to give a mixture of formimidoyl and aminocarbyne derivatives, [WCp(μ-κ:η-HCNBu)(μ-PPh)(NO)] (W-W = 3.0177(2) Å) and [WCp{μ-C(NHBu)}(μ-PPh)(NO)] (W-W = 2.9010(4) Å), respectively, even though the latter was thermodynamically preferred, according to density functional theory calculations. The former represents the first structurally characterized complex displaying a formimidoyl or iminoacyl ligand in the alkenyl-like μ-κ:η coordination mode. The reaction of 1 with diazomethane proceeded with N elimination and C-H coupling to yield the agostic methyl-bridged complex [WCp(μ-κ:η-CH)(μ-PPh)(NO)] (calculated W-W = 2.923 Å), whereas the reaction with NCH(SiMe) proceeded with insertion of the diazoalkane to give the corresponding hydrazonide complex [WCp{μ-NH(NCHSiMe)}(μ-PPh)(NO)] (W-W = 2.8608(4) Å). The latter was converted under alkaline conditions to the methyldiazenide derivative [WCp{μ-N(NMe)}(μ-PPh)(NO)] (W-W = 2.8730(2) Å), in a process involving hydrolysis of the C-Si bond coupled with a 1,3-H shift from N to C.