In this article of generalized view, a comparison of the long‐range order crystalline perfection of crystals is made with respect to their planes grown by the unidirectional growth technique. Based on the obtained results, it is established that the uni‐indexed grown crystals yield a high degree of crystalline perfection and to a certain extent the bi‐indexed crystals, but tri‐indexed crystals grow with higher lattice disorders. Herein, uni‐indexed crystal means the crystal grown along a plane has only one integer out of the h, k, and l whereas the other values are zero [e.g., (100), (010), (001)]. Bi‐indexed crystal means the crystal grown along a plane has integers for any two of the h, k, and l but the remaining value is zero [e.g., (110), (011), (101)]. Tri‐indexed crystal means the crystal grown along the plane has integers for all the values of h, k, and l [e.g., (111)].