Sustainable agriculture relies on replacing fossil-based mineral fertilizers, which are highly cost-energetic to produce, and demand extensive use of scarce natural resources. Today, agronomic practices within the concept of circular economy are emerging and, as such, the exploitation of digestate as a biofertilizer and soil amender is extensively investigated. This study aimed at evaluating the agronomic potential of liquid digestate as the sole nutrient source for hydroponic cultivation of baby lettuce in greenhouses. Growth rate, physiological responses, concentration of secondary metabolites, and nutrient uptake were compared between baby leaf lettuce grown in digestate in concentrations of 5, 10, and 20% diluted in water (either with or without pH adjustment) and in Hoagland solution (control). Results showed that the production yield was negatively correlated with the concentration of the added digestate. Nevertheless, the antioxidant capacity was significantly enhanced in 5 and 10% liquid digestate treatments compared to the control. Additionally, the nutrient composition in the baby leaf lettuce and the reduction in nutrient concentrations in the growth media demonstrated efficient mineral uptake by the plants. Thus, the application of liquid digestate as a fertilizer in hydroponic systems is a promising practice to recover residual resources, leading to the transition towards more sustainable greenhouse production.