In controlling distributed parameter systems it is often desirable to obtain low-order, finitedimensional controllers in order to minimize real-time computational requirements. Standard approaches to this problem employ model/controller reduction techniques in conjunction with LQG theory. In this paper we consider the finite-dimensional approximation of the infinite-dimensional Bernstein/Hyland optimal projection theory. Our approach yields fixed-finite-order controllers which are optimal with respect to high-order, approximating, finite-dimensional plant models. We illustrate the technique by computing a sequence of first-order controllers for one-dimensional, single-input/single-output, parabolic (heat/diffusion) and hereditary systems using spline-based, Ritz-Galerkin, finite element approximation. Our numerical studies indicate convergence of the feedback gains with less than 2% performance degradation over full-order LQG controllers for the parabolic system and 10% degradation for the hereditary system.