When atoms are irradiated by two-color circularly polarized laser fields the resulting strong field processes are dramatically different than when the same atoms are irradiated by a single-color ultrafast laser. For example, electrons can be driven in complex 2D trajectories before rescattering or circularly polarized high harmonics can be generated, which was once thought impossible. Here, we show that two-color circularly polarized lasers also enable control over the ionization process itself and make a surprising finding: the ionization rate can be enhanced by up to 700% simply by switching the relative helicity of the two-color circularly polarized laser field. This enhancement is experimentally observed in helium, argon and krypton over a wide range of intensity ratios of the twocolor field. We use a combination of advanced quantum and fully classical calculations to explain this ionization enhancement as resulting in part due to the increased density of excited states available for resonance-enhanced ionization in counter-rotating fields compared with co-rotating fields. In the future, this effect could be used to probe the excited state manifold of complex molecules.