The present work aimed to model Aspergillus niger inulinase fermentation performed in the medium using sigmoidal functions, validate the selected models using an independent set of the experimental values, and perform a sensitivity analysis of the selected models. Based on the results, the selected models were Stannard and Fitzhugh models for substrate consumption (R 2 = 0.9976 and 0.9974, respectively), Huang model for inulinase production (R 2 = 0.9967), Weibull model for invertase-type production (R 2 = 0.9963), and modified logistic model for invertase-type activity/inulinase activity ratio (R 2 = 0.9292) with high R 2 values (>0.90). Kinetics predicted by particularly selected models mentioned above fit well with the experimental kinetic results. Besides, validation of the selected models with an independent set of the experimental data indicated that they gave satisfying results with high R 2 values for consumption and production (R 2 > 0.90). Sensitivity analysis of the selected models showed that the yielded R 2 values (R 2 ≥ 0.9775) were in good agreement with those obtained from the selected models. Consequently, A. niger inulinase fermentation was successfully modeled and the selected models were successfully validated with an independent set of the observed data. Besides, the sensitivity analysis also verified the Abbreviations: Bx, Brix; A F , accuracy factor; AIC, Akaike information criterion; AM, Asymmetric model; A m , maximum asymptote; A t , the values estimated at the time "d"; ATCC, American Type Culture Collection; B F , bias factor; BM, Baranyi model; B t and H t , transition functions; CM, Cone model; d, unitless design parameter; e, Euler's number; ED, Endpoint Deviation; FM, Fitzhugh Model; HM, Huang model; h O , parameter that calculates the initial physiological state of production and consumption; IAD, integral absolute deviation; ID, integral deviation; k, parameter that governs the rate at which the response variable approaches its potential maximum value; m, slope; MAE, mean-absolute-error; MGM, modified Gompertz model; MLM, modified logistic model; MMFM, Morgan-Mercer-Flodin model; MPF t , mean area of the substrate consumption and product formation at time t to t + 1; MRM, modified Richards model; MSD, mean standard deviation; PBD, Plackett-Burman Design; P inulinase , inulinase activity; P invertase-type , invertase-type activity; Q, maximum production rate or substrate consumption rate; Q inulinase , maximum inulinase production rate; Q invertase-tip , maximum invertase-type production rate; Q sugar , maximum sugar consumption rate; R 2 , determination coefficient; RMSE, root-mean-square-error; RSS, residual sum of square; S/I ratio, invertase-type activity/Inulinase activity; SM, Stannard model; S max , maximum substrate concentration; S min , minimum substrate concentration; t, sampling time; T L , point where A t = A m /2; v, unitless shape parameter; WM, Weibull model; α, delay phase transition coefficient; β, value to shift consumption and production; δ, allometric constant...