Floquet engineering is a rapidly growing branch in condensed matter physics which allows to change the properties of nanomaterials like energy structure, conductivity, magnetization, topology, etc. on demand utilizing the electric and magnetic components of THz light field coupling with charge and spin of electrons and holes. Here we use the Floquet theory to study the dynamical effects of laser light coupling to an electron-hole pair confined in a quantum wire. Due to much stronger confinement of particles in transverse direction than in longitudinal one, excitonic states becomes significantly susceptible to electric field oscillating along the wire, the energies of the bound states grow while their probabilities of radiative recombination are gradually decreased for increasing light field intensities in moderate regime (I < 105 W/cm2). This effect can be further enhanced by combining both, the oscillating in time and static electric fields applied along the wire. Then, some pairs of energy levels may mutually mix and undergo fast symmetry transformations as function of oscillating field intensity, hence creating narrow (∼ few meV) avoided crossings accompanied with large changes in recombination probability, their positions in energy spectra can be precisely manipulated by tuning the strength of static electric field. Described mechanism of changing the bright states into the dark ones is made with the help of laser field so it could be advantageous to use this property to build the fast (∼ THz) optical bright-dark state switcher for an exciton in the most populated ground state.most populated ground state.