The technique of charge reduction electrospray mass spectrometry (CREMS), which can reduce the charge state complexity produced in electrospray ionization (ESI), is discussed. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2008, 19, 629 -631) © 2008 American Society for Mass Spectrometry C harge reduction in the gas-phase occurs whenever oppositely charged ions combine. It has been in routine use in the atmospheric science community for particle analysis applications for decades [1]. In the last decade it has been developed in the field of biological mass spectrometry in two primary forms: at reduced pressure, typically inside of an ion trap mass spectrometer [2], and at atmospheric pressure, to reduce the charge of electrospray-generated ions before their entry into a mass spectrometer [3][4][5][6]. The latter approach has been developed primarily by our group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and it will serve as the principal subject of the present discussion.We coined the acronym CREMS, for charge reduction electrospray mass spectrometry, for the approach. The nominal rationale for developing CREMS was to achieve complexity reduction in mass analyzing mixtures of many different molecules. The two main methods for producing gas-phase ions from macromolecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids, synthetic polymers) are matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI). For reasons that are not yet entirely clear [7], MALDI produces primarily singly charged ions, whereas ESI produces a distribution of multiply charged ions in various charge states. Thus, whereas MALDI produces relatively simple mass spectra from mixtures of different molecules, with one major peak per analyte species, an ESI analysis of the same mixture may give an unresolved composite of many overlapping peaks. Charge reduction offered the potential of being able to have the simplicity of MALDI spectra while maintaining the advantages of ESI with respect to its real-time capability and gentler ionization.We have developed two approaches to CREMS, differing in how reagent ions are generated. In the first approach [3, 4], we employed a 210 Po source of ␣-particles to create "air ions" in a chamber placed between the ESI capillary and the mass spectrometer inlet. We were able to show effective charge reduction of ESI-generated ions down to the singly charged state, with the desired reduction in charge state complexity and concomitant expansion of the m/z range (lower z ϭ Ͼgreater m/z). This yields "MALDI-like" ESI mass spectra from mixtures of proteins or nucleic acids. Figure 1 shows an example of the spectral simplification afforded by CREMS on a mixture of seven proteins (reproduced from reference [4] with permission). In subsequent work, we were able to employ a corona discharge source to produce reagent ions in place of the 210 Po source [5,6]. This eliminated the regulatory and practical issues associated with obtaining and using radioactive materials, and in our most recent design the corona reduction chamber is quite small, ...