“…On other ornamentals, many reports were decided by Auda et al, (2002) on Barleria cristata, Barett et al, (2003) on Petunia hybrida and Catharanthus roseus, Shahin et al, (2006) on Rudbeckia hirta, ( 95 ) Mahmoud et al, (2008) on Nerium oleander, Asgarian et al, (2013) on Zinnia, Shahin et al, (2014) on Chrysanthemum carinatum, Noor El-Deen et al, on Gaillardia pulchella, Abou-Dahab et al, (2015) on Russelia equisetiformis, Narayan (2015) on Tagetes erecta, El-Sadek (2016) on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cv. Yellow, Zamani et al, (2016) on rosemary and Thuja "Morgan" Heikal (2017) on Sanchezia nobilis, Mohammed et al, (2017) on Lagerstroemia indica, Deniz and Omer Faruk (2018) on Fuchsia, Tawila (2018) on Celosia cristata, Naine et al, (2019) on ornamental pepper, Dong et al, (2020) on Paeonia lactiflora, Noor El-Deen (2020) on Ruellia simplex, Shahin and Moustafa (2021) on Althaea rosea and Noor El-Deen and Abou Elghait (2022) on Hibiscus rosasinensis cv. Cooperi.…”