DOI: 10.1021/nn3023602
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Controlling the Localization of Polymer-Functionalized Nanoparticles in Mixed Lipid/Polymer Membranes

Abstract: Surface hydrophobicity plays a significant role in controlling the interactions between nanoparticles and lipid membranes. In principle, a nanoparticle can be encapsulated into a liposome, either being incorporated into the hydrophobic bilayer interior or trapped within the aqueous vesicle core. In this paper, we demonstrate the preparation and characterization of polymer-functionalized CdSe NPs, tuning their interaction with mixed lipid/polymer membranes from 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phophocholine and PIB… Show more

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Cited by 47 publications
(63 citation statements)
References 60 publications
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“…[8] In contrast, vesicles composed of block copolymers ("polymersomes") can display either horizontal or lateral phase segregation through demixing processes caused by the immiscibility of their different polymer building blocks, [9,10] or by the action of ions [11] or nanoparticles. [12] The recent trend in blending phospholipids and block copolymers to generate hybrid membranes, [13][14][15] which combine the biofunctionality of liposomes with the remarkable mechanical stability and functional variability of polymersomal membranes, has further shown the formation of phase-separated membrane morphologies (domains), either as a result of immiscibility between the lipid and polymer component [15,16] or induced by a clustering agent as an external stimulus. [14] It is of course tempting to speculate about the biological function of recognition processes in giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) composed of both lipids and polymers, in particular in addressing the location and assembly of glycosphingolipids (gangliosides) active in protein recognition processes.…”
confidence: 99%
“…[8] In contrast, vesicles composed of block copolymers ("polymersomes") can display either horizontal or lateral phase segregation through demixing processes caused by the immiscibility of their different polymer building blocks, [9,10] or by the action of ions [11] or nanoparticles. [12] The recent trend in blending phospholipids and block copolymers to generate hybrid membranes, [13][14][15] which combine the biofunctionality of liposomes with the remarkable mechanical stability and functional variability of polymersomal membranes, has further shown the formation of phase-separated membrane morphologies (domains), either as a result of immiscibility between the lipid and polymer component [15,16] or induced by a clustering agent as an external stimulus. [14] It is of course tempting to speculate about the biological function of recognition processes in giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) composed of both lipids and polymers, in particular in addressing the location and assembly of glycosphingolipids (gangliosides) active in protein recognition processes.…”
confidence: 99%
“…The interaction of polymers with lipid membranes is strongly guided by immiscibility effects, exerted between the polymer segments by thermodynamic and steric constraints, in combination with the phase structure of the lipid membrane [6][7][8][9]. In general conduct, the mixture of polymers with lipids represents a polyphilic system [10][11][12][13], where several repulsive ordering principles are competing, such as the polymer with the same or another polymer, the polymer with the hydrophobic lipid tail or with the hydrophilic lipid head group.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the past, we have demonstrated studies [6][7][8][9]24,[26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35], where mixed polymer/lipid monoand bilayers had been investigated, both on Langmuir-monolayer systems [28] or within bilayer membranes [24,27,29,34], demonstrating that functionality and control of such domains can be achieved within the mono-and bilayer systems [27]. Thus functional biological recognition of gangliosides can be achieved specifically within/outside the lipid-domains [24], nanoparticles can be enriched selectively within the polymer domains [9,30,31,33], and supramolecular recognition leads to macroscopic effects on the vesicular surfaces via budding and fission of the lipid membrane [28].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Dagegen zeigen Vesikelmembranen aus rein synthetischen Blockcopolymeren (so genannte Polymersome) sowohl horizontale als auch laterale Phasenseparationsprozesse, die ebenfalls auf Entmischungsphänomene innerhalb der Membran zurückzuführen sind. Diese kçnnen durch Unmischbarkeiten der einzelnen Polymerblçcke [9,10] oder durch zusätzliche Wechselwirkungen mit Kationen [11] oder Nanopartikeln [12] hervorgerufen werden. Aktuelle Arbeiten haben gezeigt, dass das Mischen von Phospholipiden und Blockcopolymeren zu Lipid-Polymer-Hybridmembranen [13][14][15] führt, die die Vorteile der hohen Biofunktionalität der entsprechenden Lipidmembran mit der erhçhten mechanischen Stabilität und funktionellen Variabilität der Polymermembran vereinen.…”