We show how the switching-on of an electron transport through a system of two parallel quantum dots embedded in a short quantum wire in a photon cavity can trigger coupled Rabi and collective electron-photon oscillations. We select the initial state of the system to be an eigenstate of the closed system containing two Coulomb interacting electrons with possibly few photons of a single cavity mode. The many-level quantum dots are described by a continuous potential. The Coulomb interaction and the para-and dia-magnetic electron-photon interactions are treated by exact diagonalization in a truncated Fock-space. To identify the collective modes the results are compared for an open and a closed system with respect to the coupling to external electron reservoirs, or leads. We demonstrate that the vacuum Rabi oscillations can be seen in transport quantities as the current in and out of the system. Introduction.-Fine-tuning of the electron-photon interaction has opened up new possibilities in semiconductor physics. The transport of electrons through quantum dots assisted by up to four photons in the teraherz frequency range has been observed [1], and double quantum dots have been used to detect single-photons from shot-noise in electron transport through a quantum point contact [2]. The properties and control of atomic or electronic systems in photonic cavities is a common theme in the research effort of many teams working on various aspects of quantum cavity electrodynamics and related fields [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. The non-local single-photon transport properties of two sets of double quantum dots within a photon cavity has recently been modeled [11], and also a pump-probe scheme for electron-photon dynamics in a hybrid conductor-cavity system with one electron reservoir [12]. Many tasks in quantum information processing might be served by mixed photon-electronics circuits. In order to model such systems we need to combine methods and tools that have traditionally been used and developed in the fields of time-dependent electron transport and quantum optics. In this publication we show how time-dependent electron transport through a nanoscale system embedded in a photon cavity could be used to detect vacuum Rabi-oscillations in it. In order to do so we use a generalized master equation (GME) formalism for time-dependent electron transport, that was initially developed for quantum optics systems [13,14].