Introduction. Percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP), as a mini-invasive approach in the treatment of patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCFs), provides stabilization of the spine and relives pain. The most commonly it is applied in the 3-6 weeks before bending of the spine. Complete cessation of pain is easier to achieve if you treat "less mature" fractures. The aim of the report is to show that PVP is effective and safe for old fractures too. Case report. A 77-old patient suffered from a stable compression fracture of 3th lumbar (L3) vertebral body after minor trauma. This fracture was clinically and radiologically diagnosed. The conservative treatment that included lumbo-sacral orthosis (LSO), analgesic drugs and physical therapy, was primarily applied due to permanent pain and type of fracture. After a period of two months,