High-performance interconnection network is the key to realizing high-speed, collaborative, parallel computing at each node in a high-performance computer system. Its performance and scalability directly affect the performance and scalability of the whole system. With continuous improvements in the performance of high-performance computer systems, the trend in the development of high-performance interconnection networks is mainly reflected in network sizes and network bandwidths. With the slowdown of Moore’s Law, it is necessary to adopt new packaging design technologies to implement high-performance interconnection networks for high-performance computing. This article analyzes the main interconnection networks used by high-performance computer systems in the Top500 list of November 2021, and it elaborates the design of representative, state-of-the-art, high-performance interconnection networks, including NVIDIA InfiniBand, Intel Omni-Path, Cray Slingshot/Aries, and custom or proprietary networks, including Fugaku Tofu, Bull BXI, TH Express, and so forth. This article also comprehensively discusses the latest technologies and trends in this field. In addition, based on the analysis of the challenges faced by high-performance interconnection network design in the post-Moore era and the exascale computing era, this article presents a perspective on high-performance interconnection networks.