Since drug resistance and toxicity limit the use of available antiprotozoal agents, it is important that new drugs be developed as soon as possible. In this study, the method by which several protozoa degrade 5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA) was shown to differ from MTA catabolism in human cells. To exploit this metabolic difference, two analogs of methylthioribose (MTR), an MTA catabolite, were synthesized and found to be cytocidal to Plasmodiumfalciparum, Giardia lamblia, and Ochromonas malkamensis in vitro. In contrast, these analogs had no effect on cultured mammalian cells. Analogs of MTR represent a potential new class of antiprotozoal drugs.Parasitic protozoa cause some of the most prevalent infectious diseases of humans and produce extensive morbidity and mortality around the world (25). For example, over 600 million people are chronically infected with Plasmodium falciparum and at least 1.5 million malaria-related deaths occur each year (4, 15). Despite intensive research efforts, the development of new and effective antiprotozoal drugs has been difficult because of the close metabolic relationship between protozoa and human cells.5'-Deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA) is a naturally occurring nucleoside synthesized from S-adenosylmethionine during the production of the polyamines spermidine and spermine (23). Unlike the polyamines, MTA does not normally accumulate in cells but is rapidly degraded by one of two mechanisms (Fig. 1). In mammals (14), MTA is degraded in one step to adenine and 5-methylthioribose-1-phosphate (MTR-1-P) by MTA phosphorylase (Fig. 1, pathway A). In some other organisms (9), however, MTA is catabolized to MTR-1-P in two steps: (i) catabolism to adenine and MTR via MTA nucleosidase and (ii) conversion of MTR to MTR-1-P in an ATP-dependent reaction catalyzed by MTR kinase (Fig. 1, pathway B). In both instances, MTR-1-P is subsequently recycled to methionine through the intermediate a-ketomethylthiobutyric aci'd (1,11,19). Since MTA nucleosidase and MTR kinase are not present in mammalian cells, we hypothesized that these enzymes represent potential targets for the selective killing of organisms which contain them.To test this hypothesis, cell extracts of P. falciparum, Giardia lamblia, and Ochromonas malhamensis were assayed for MTA phosphorylase (14), MTR kinase (9), and MTA nucleosidase (7) activities. 0. malhamensis, a nonpathogenic protozoan, was studied because it can proliferate by using MTR as a sole source of methionine (21), implying that it contains MTR kinase. Enterobacter aerogenes (8) and Persea americana (avocado fruit; 10) were included as positive controls because each contains MTR kinase activity. Extracts derived from human erythrocytes and liver were also tested. Cell extracts from P. falciparum, G. lamblia, and 0. malhamensis contained significant MTA * Corresponding author. nucleosidase and MTR kinase activities (Table 1). MTA phosphorylase was undetectable in these samples, except in the P. falciparum samples, in which low activity, presumably related to residual...