Waoekowska, A., 2014. Se lec tive ag glu ti na tion of tour ma line grains by foraminifera in a deep-wa ter flysch en vi ron ment (Eocene Hi ero glyphic Beds, Silesian Nappe, Pol ish Outer Carpathians). Geo log i cal Quar terly, 58 (2): 337-352, doi: 10.7306/gq.1154De tri tal frag ments of automorphic tour ma line crys tals are com monly in cor po rated into the tests of sim ple ag glu ti nated foraminifera that lived in the deep-ma rine Carpathian turbidite ba sin in which the de po si tion of the Hi ero glyphic Beds (Eocene) took place. Such grains were ob served in the tests of 37 spe cies rep re sent ing 20 gen era. In spite of the fact that tour ma line oc curs in the Carpathian Flysch sed i ments as an ac ces sory min eral, still it was se lected by the foraminifera as the only heavy min eral to be in cor po rated into their tests. The pro por tion of tour ma line-bear ing spec i mens in an as sem blage usu ally amounts to a few per cent, but may reach 29% in ex treme cases. The par tic u lar pref er ence for tour ma line se lec tion and in cor po ra tion in the test walls is shown by the fol low ing gen era: Psammosiphonella, Reophax, Bathysiphon and Nothia.Key words: heavy min er als, tour ma line, ag glu ti nated foraminifera, deep-ma rine flysch en vi ron ment, Outer Carpathians.