Let π denote the intractable posterior density that results when the likelihood from a multivariate linear regression model with errors from a scale mixture of normals is combined with the standard non-informative prior. There is a simple data augmentation algorithm (based on latent data from the mixing density) that can be used to explore π. Let h(·) and d denote the mixing density and the dimension of the regression model, respectively. Hobert et al. (2016) have recently shown that, if h converges to 0 at the origin at an appropriate rate, and ∞ 0 u d 2 h(u) du < ∞, then the Markov chains underlying the DA algorithm and an alternative Haar PX-DA algorithm are both geometrically ergodic. In fact, something much stronger than geometric ergodicity often holds. Indeed, it is shown in this paper that, under simple conditions on h, the Markov operators defined by the DA and Haar PX-DA Markov chains are trace-class, i.e., compact with summable eigenvalues. Many of the mixing densities that satisfy Hobert et al.'s (2016) conditions also satisfy the new conditions developed in this paper. Thus, for this set of mixing densities, the new results provide a substantial strengthening of Hobert et al.'s (2016) conclusion without any additional assumptions. For example, Hobert et al. (2016) showed that the DA and Haar PX-DA Markov chains are geometrically ergodic whenever the mixing density is generalized inverse Gaussian, log-normal, Fréchet (with shape parameter larger than d/2), or inverted gamma (with shape parameter larger than d/2). The results in this paper show that, in each of these cases, the DA and Haar PX-DA Markov operators are, in fact, trace-class.