The similarity renormalization group (SRG) is based on unitary transformations that suppress off-diagonal matrix elements, forcing the Hamiltonian toward a band-diagonal form. A simple SRG transformation applied to nucleon-nucleon interactions leads to greatly improved convergence properties while preserving observables and provides a method to consistently evolve many-body potentials and other operators. Progress on the nuclear many-body problem has been hindered for decades because nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials that reproduce elastic-scattering phase shifts typically exhibit strong short-range repulsion as well as a strong tensor force. This leads to strongly correlated many-body wave functions and highly nonperturbative few-and many-body systems. But recent work shows how a cutoff on relative momentum can be imposed and evolved to lower values using renormalization group (RG) methods, thus eliminating the troublesome highmomentum modes [1,2]. The evolved NN potentials are energy-independent and preserve two-nucleon observables for relative momenta up to the cutoff. Such potentials, known generically as V low k , are more perturbative and generate much less correlated wave functions [2][3][4][5][6][7], vastly simplifying the many-body problem. However, a full RG evolution of essential few-body potentials has not yet been achieved.An alternative path to decoupling high-momentum from low-momentum physics is the similarity renormalization group (SRG), which is based on unitary transformations that suppress off-diagonal matrix elements, driving the Hamiltonian toward a band-diagonal form [8][9][10][11]. The SRG potentials are automatically energy independent and have the feature that high-energy phase shifts (and other high-energy NN observables), although typically highly model dependent, are preserved, unlike the case with V low k as usually implemented. Most important, the same transformations renormalize all operators, including many-body operators, and the class of transformations can be tailored for effectiveness in particular problems.Here we make the first exploration of SRG for nucleonnucleon interactions, using a particularly simple choice of SRG transformation, which nevertheless works exceedingly well. We find the same benefits of V low k : more perturbative interactions and lessened correlations, with improved convergence in few-and many-body calculations. The success of the SRG combined with advances in chiral effective field theory (EFT) [12,13] opens the door to the consistent construction and RG evolution of many-body potentials and other operators.The similarity RG approach was developed independently by Glazek and Wilson [8] Wegner's formulation in terms of a flow equation for the Hamiltonian. The initial Hamiltonian in the center-of-mass H = T rel + V , where T rel is the relative kinetic energy, is transformed by the unitary operator U (s) according towhere s is the flow parameter. This also defines the evolved potential V s , with T rel taken to be independent of s. Then H s evolves accor...