Abstract. We consider the gradient flow of the Yang-Mills-Higgs functional of twist Higgs pairs on a Hermitian vector bundle (E, H 0 ) over a Riemann surface X. It is already known the gradient flow with initial data (A 0 , φ 0 ) converges to a critical point (A ∞ , φ ∞ ) of this functional. Using a modified Chern-Weil type inequality, we prove that the limiting twist Higgs bundle (E, d ′′ A∞ , φ ∞ ) is given by the graded twist Higgs bundle defined by the Harder-NarasimhanSeshadri filtration of the initial twist Higgs bundle (E, d ′′ A0 , φ 0 ), generalizing Wilkin's results for untwist Higgs bundle.