The probability distribution of sums of iterates of the logistic map at the edge of chaos has been recently shown [see U. Tirnakli, C. Beck and C. Tsallis, Phys. Rev. E 75, 040106(R) (2007)] to be numerically consistent with a q-Gaussian, the distribution which, under appropriate constraints, maximizes the nonadditive entropy Sq, the basis of nonextensive statistical mechanics. This analysis was based on a study of the tails of the distribution. We now check the entire distribution, in particular its central part. This is important in view of a recent q-generalization of the Central Limit Theorem, which states that for certain classes of strongly correlated random variables the rescaled sum approaches a q-Gaussian limit distribution. We numerically investigate for the logistic map with a parameter in a small vicinity of the critical point under which conditions there is convergence to a q-Gaussian both in the central region and in the tail region, and find a scaling law involving the Feigenbaum constant δ. Our results are consistent with a large number of already available analytical and numerical evidences that the edge of chaos is well described in terms of the entropy Sq and its associated concepts. One of the cornerstones of statistical mechanics and of probability theory is the Central Limit Theorem (CLT). It states that the sum of N independent identically distributed random variables, after appropriate centering and rescaling, approaches a Gaussian distribution as N → ∞. In general, this concept lies at the very heart of the fact that many stochastic processes in nature which consist of a sum of many independent or nearly independent variables converge to a Gaussian process [1,2]. On the other hand, there are also many other occasions in nature for which the limit distribution is not a Gaussian. The common ingredient for such systems is the existence of strong correlations between the random variables, which prevent the limit distribution of the system to end up being a Gaussian. Recently, for certain classes of strong correlations of this kind, it has been proved that the distribution of the rescaled sum approaches a q-Gaussian, which constitutes a q-generalization of the standard CLT [3,4,5,6]. This represents a progress since the q-Gaussians are the distributions that optimize the nonadditive entropy S q (defined to be S q ≡ (1 − i p q i ) / (q − 1)), on which nonextensive statistical mechanics is based [7,8]. A q-generalized CLT was expected for several years since the role of q-Gaussians in nonextensive statistical mechanics is pretty much the same as that of Gaussians in Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics. Therefore it is not surprising at all to see q-Gaussians replace the usual Gaussian distributions for those systems whose agents exhibit certain types of strong correlations.Immediately after these achievements, an increasing interest developed for checking these ideas and findings in real and model systems whose dynamical properties make them appropriate candidates to be analyzed along these l...