“…Standard administration procedures were followed with all subjects, with almost verbatim records of responses obtained All HIT protocols were scored and check-scored by highly tramed scorers on the 22 standard scormg vanables Reaction Tune (RT), Rejection (1961) Previous studies of the total scores on each of tihese 22 vanables, obtamed by summmg the mdividual response scores across the 45 cards, have mdicated that uniformly high test-retest, mterscorer, and spht-half rehabihties have been achieved for the majonty of these vanables (Holtzman, et al, 1961) On the basis of the factonal structure of HIT scores (Holtzman, et al, 1961), as well as previous studies with the technique usmg external cntena (eg, Moseley, Duffey, & Sherman, 1963, Clark, Veldman, & Thorpe, 1965, Fisher, 1963, predictions were made regarding group differences on 20 of the 22 standardized HIT scores Given the nature of the task presented by the HIT and the artist's charactenstic active and personal participation m creative production and m structurmg his perceptual world, subjects m this group were hypothesized to differ from the Engmeer group as follows higher scores on C, Sh, M, V, H, At, Sx, Ab, Ax, Hs, and Pn…”