The charge transfer in low energy (0.25 to 150 eV/amu) H(nl) + He + (1s) collisions is investigated using a quasi-molecular approach for the n = 2, 3 as well as the first two n = 4 singlet states. The diabatic potential energy curves of the HeH + molecular ion are obtained from the adiabatic potential energy curves and the non-adiabatic radial coupling matrix elements using a two-by-two diabatization method, and a time-dependent wave-packet approach is used to calculate the stateto-state cross sections. We find a strong dependence of the charge transfer cross section in the principal and orbital quantum numbers n and l of the initial or final state. We estimate the effect of the non-adiabatic rotational couplings, which is found to be important even at energies below 1 eV/amu. However, the effect is small on the total cross sections at energies below 10 eV/amu. We observe that to calculate charge transfer cross sections in a n manifold, it is only necessary to include states with n ′ ≤ n, and we discuss the limitations of our approach as the number of states increases.