We study conditions on Banach spaces close to separability. We say that a topological space is pcc if every point-finite family of open subsets of the space is countable. For a Banach space E, we say that E is weakly pcc if E, equipped with the weak topology, is pcc, and we also consider a weaker property: we say that E is half-pcc if every point-finite family consisting of half-spaces of E is countable. We show that E is half-pcc if, and only if, every bounded linear map E → c 0 (ω 1 ) has separable range. We exhibit a variety of mild conditions which imply separability of a half-pcc Banach space. For a Banach space C (K ), we also consider the pcc-property of the topology of pointwise convergence, and we note that the space C p (K ) may be pcc even when C (K ) fails to be weakly pcc. We note that this does not happen when K is scattered, and we provide the following example: -There exists a non-metrizable scattered compact Hausdorff space K with C (K ) weakly pcc.
Lemma. Let Γ be a set, and let S be a subset of c 0 (Γ ) such that S is pcc in the relative weak topology. Then S is separable.Proof. It suffices to show that the set Γ = {γ ∈ Γ : y γ = 0 for some y ∈ S} is countable. Assume that Γ is uncountable.Then there exists r > 0 such that the set Γ = {γ ∈ Γ : |y γ | > r for some y ∈ S} is uncountable. For every γ ∈ Γ , let G γ = {y ∈ S: |y γ | > r}, and note that G γ is a non-empty relatively weakly open subset of S. For every y ∈ S, the set {γ ∈ Γ : y ∈ G γ } is finite. It follows that {G γ : γ ∈ Γ } is an uncountable point-finite family of relatively weakly open subsets of S, and this is a contradiction. 2
Proposition. The following are equivalent for a Banach space E:A. E is weakly pcc.B. For any Γ , every weak-to-weak continuous mapping E → c 0 (Γ ) has separable range. C. Every weak-to-weak continuous mapping E → c 0 (ω 1 ) has separable range.Proof. The implication A ⇒ B follows by Lemmas 1.2(a) and 1.4. C ⇒ A: Assume that E is not weakly pcc. Then there exists a point-finite family {U α : α ∈ ω 1 } consisting of distinct weakly open subsets of E. For every α ∈ ω 1 , there exists a non-constant, weakly continuous function f α : E → I such that