Modern people, whose interest in leisure life and beauty has increased dramatically, are making bold investments in hairstyles, makeup, cosmetics, fashion industry, and accessories. Modern people undergo physical and chemical treatments in order to beautifully produce hairstyles that have a great influence upon image transformation, but hair damage is an inevitable reality at this time. To protect such damaged hair, we intend to study the efficacy of hair manicure, which is often used in hair salons. As a result of various physical property studies on bleached hair treated with hair manicure, the maximum load, maximum tensile strength, maximum elongation, breaking load, breaking strength, and breaking elongation all increased compared to the control group, and the maximum modulus value according to the evaluation section was 0 sec-15 It increased to 0.11 (MPa) until sec, and decreased to 0.04 (MPa) in the interval of 15 sec-150 sec. Through this study, various changes in physical properties of hair manicure treated hair can be analyzed cosmetically, and will serve as a basis for the development of more improved hair manicure products in the future hair beauty industry.