Peptidase enzymes are involved in neuropeptide processing or degradation. In order to analyse a possible functional participation of these enzymes, arylamidase activity of several rat brain regions and serum was assayed in the soluble fraction during the estrous cycle using L-Lys-and L-Tyr-\g=b\-naphthylamide as substrates. Significant differences were present in the hypothalamus, the pituitary and serum when both substrates were used. However, there were no differences in cortical areas. These results suggest a role for arylamidase activity in the hormonal changes that happen during the estrous cycle of the rat.Neuropeptide degrading enzymes evidently play a role in processing and inactivation of hypothalamic and hypophyseal hormones (1). Arylamidases are among such enzymes, the activities of which can be measured by analysing the hydrolysis of artificial substrates like aminoacyl-ß-naphthylamides (aa-ß-NA; arylamides). Although arylamidases have been implicated in the degradation of several neuropeptides (2), their functional role in the brain is still unknown. The possible endogen¬ ous substrates could be neuropeptides containing the same amino acid at the N-terminal position as arylamides, in this case Lys or Tyr.The hypothalamic-pituitary axis plays a major role integrating endocrine, autonomie and beha¬ vioural responses of animals to various internal and external stimuli. The cyclic hormonal changes during the reproductive cycle enable us to estab¬ lish a comparative study with the enzymatic activ¬ ity probably implicated in their regulation.We report here a study analysing the activity obtained with Lys. and Tyr-ß-Na as substrates during the estrous cycle in serum, the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and three cortical regions of adult female rats.
Materials and MethodsAdult female albino rats (300-350 g) were grouped at estrus, diestrus and proestrus (N = 8 each) verified by vagi¬ nal smear (3). In order to remove plasmatic arylamidases, their brains were perfused from the left cardiac ventricle with saline plus 50 mmol/l of phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) under equithensin anesthesia (2 ml/kg) this included: 42.5 g/1 of chloralhydrate, 0.1621 of Nembutal® 0.3961 of propylene glycol and 21.3 g/1 of magnesium sulphate in distilled water. Blood samples were obtained before per¬ fusion from the left cardiac ventricle and centrifuged to obtain serum which was used as an enzyme and protein source. The brains were quickly removed (less than 60 sec) and cooled in dry ice. Pitutiary gland and tissue sam¬ ples from frontal, parietotemporal, occipital cortex and the hypothalamus were homogenized in 10 mmol/l of TRIS HC1 (pH 7.4) and ultracentrifuged (100 000 X g, 35 min, 4°C) in order to obtain the soluble fraction. The re¬ sulting supernatant was decanted and used for the deter¬ mination of arylamidase activity and proteins. Lys-and Tyr-arylamidase activities (Lys-AR and Tyr-AR) were measured, in triplicate, using Lys-and Tyr-ß-NA as substrates according to the modified method of Greenberg (4): 10 ul of supernatant w...