Problem: The study examines the thermogasdynamic process within an internal combustion engine cylinder during cold cranking mode while measuring compression. Analysis of various models and comparison of known data revealed unresolved challenges in constructing mathematical models of the engine operating cycle. The vast majority of practical data and recommendations for compression measurement in a cylinder are based on empirical knowledge, numerous experiments, and tests. Consequently, there arises a need for computational models of the compression measurement process and their theoretical justification, particularly in cases where engine damage occurs during hydrolock in a cylinder. Methodology. To address the identified issues, a mathematical model of the thermogasdynamic process within the cylinder during cold cranking while measuring compression was developed. Originality. Unlike existing models, this model describes the processes in the cylinder step by step, considering the real nature of intake-exhaust processes, air leakage through part interfaces, and heat exchange with the walls. Through modeling, the main patterns of compression changes depending on the modes and the nature of damage to associated parts of the valve mechanism and the cylinder-piston group were identified, including deformation of the connecting rod during hydraulic lock due to liquid entering the cylinder. Practical value. Based on the study results, it was concluded that the model's properties make it effectively applicable in diagnosing and monitoring the technical condition of automotive engines during operation.