Protonation of the complexes [M2(CO)(p-CO){p-C(0)C2R2)(q-C5H5)2] [M = Fe or Ru; R2 = H2, Ph, , H (Me), or H (Ph)] with H BF,*OEt, results in rapid carbon-carbon bond cleavage and formation of the p-vinyl cations [M2(CO)2(p-CO){p-C(R)=C(H)R)(q-C5H5)2] +, containing a cis arrangement of R groups. Addition of HBF,*OEt2 to [Ru,(CO) (p-CO){p-C(0)C2Me2}(q-C5H5)2] produces the cation [Ru2(CO) (p-CO)({p-C(H)(O)C,Me,)(q-C,H,),] +, which isomerises slowly to [ R u ~( C O ) ~( ~-C O ) { ~-C ( M ~) = C ( H ) M ~) ( ~-C ~H ~) ~]+. The p-vinyl cations exist in solution as isomers with cis and trans orientations of terminal ligands, shown by variable-temperature n.m.r. to interconvert ; cis isomers additionally display a fluxional oscillation of the p-vinyl ligand. Treatment of the cations with NaBH, yields p-carbene complexes [M2(CO)2(p-CO){p-C(R)CH2R)(q-C5H5)2] in good yield, also as cis and trans isomers which interconvert in solution. These result from hydride addition to the p-carbon of the p-vinyl, but addition to the or-carbon is apparent in the low-yield co-formation of the terminal ethylene complex [Ru2(C0)(p-CO),( C2H,) ( T ~-C ~H ~) ~] from the cation [Ru2(C0),(p-CO) (p-CH=CH2) (q-C5H5)2] +. Addition of sodium tetrahydroborate to [Ru,(CO)(p-CO){p-C( H)(0)C2Me2}(q-C5H5),] + provides the complex [Ru2(CO) (p-CO){p-C(Me)C(Me)CH2)(q-C5H5)2], completing a conversion of metallacyclic CO to CH2. Regeneration of the p-vinyl cation [M2(CO),(p-CO) (p-CH=CH2) ( T ~-C ~H ~) ~] + is achieved by treatment of [M2(C0),(p-CO){p-C( H) Me)(q-C5H5)2] with [CPh,] [BF,]. In Part 1 of this Series we reported the syntheses of di-iron Results and lX~u&On and diruthenium complexes [M2(CO)(p-CO)(p-C(0)C,R,>(rlp-Vinyl Cations.-Synthesis. Addition of HBF,*OEt2 to C5H5)2] (1)--(12) through reactions of alkynes with [M2(CO)4-an acetone or dichloromethane solution of the di-iron and (T)-C~H~)~].* The chemistry of these dimetallacyclopentenone diruthenium complexes [M2(CO)(p-CO){p-C(0)GR2)(q-hydrocarbon~.~*~ Aspects of this work have appeared as preliminary communications.6~' C5H&] (1)-(1 I ) results in immediate cleavage of the alkyne-CO link. The ' alkyne' portion of the dimetallacycle is protonated, generating p-vinyl cations [Mr(C0)2(p-CO)(p-CR'=C(H)R2}(q-C5H5)2][BF4] (1 3)--(23) in which R' and R2are cis to one another, while the metallacyclic ketonic carbonyl is transformed into a terminal ligand. Different behaviour is shown by the diruthenium complex (12), derived from but-2yne, which yields the appropriate p-vinyl cation (24) only very slowly and via a readily isolated intermediate ( 25). This anomaly is discussed in detail below. Infrared spectra indicated that the p-vinyl complexes are formed in clean,