“…The MNIST dataset (Lecun and Bottou, 1998) of handwritten digit has been widely applied in image classification field, In our experiments, we use a ternary-valued {-1,0,1} weight quantization as in Li and Liu (2016), not full precision (16 or 32 bits) like many others (Lee et al, 2016(Lee et al, , 2020Bodo et al, 2017;Mostafa et al, 2017;Rueckauer and Liu, 2018;Wu et al, 2018;Yousefzadeh et al, 2019), to facilitate hardware deployment, because we find the weight quantization with more bit-width contributes very little to final accuracy, which is consistent with (Rastegari et al, 2016;Zhou et al, 2016). All convolutional networks are trained using standard ADAM rule (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with an initial learning rate set to 0.001 and 10 times decayed per 200 epochs, based on TensorLayer (Dong et al, 2017), a customized deep learning library.…”