To shed light on the mechanism of isotopic exchange of a-protons in amino acids catalyzed by pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes, we studied the kinetics of quinonoid intermediate formation for the reactions of tyrosine phenol-lyase with L-phenylalanine, L-methionine, and their a-deuterated analogues in D 2 O, and we compared the results with the rates of the isotopic exchange under the same conditions. We have found that, in the L-phenylalanine reaction, the internal return of the a-proton is operative, and allowing for its effect, the exchange rate is accounted for satisfactorily. Surprisingly, for the reaction with L-methionine, the enzymatic isotope exchange went much faster than might be predicted from the kinetic data for quinonoid intermediate formation. This result allows us to suggest the existence of an alternative, possibly concerted, mechanism of a-proton exchange.Keywords: amino acids; isotopic exchange; mechanism; a-proton; tyrosine phenol-lyase.Pyridoxal-P-phosphate (PLP)-dependent lyases displaying broad substrate specificity are able to catalyze stereospecific isotope exchange of a-protons of various amino acids [1-4] including both real substrates and reversible competitive inhibitors, which do not change their chemical identities under the action of the enzyme. The exchange is usually performed in heavy water, and proceeds with a complete retention of the natural (S)-configuration of amino acids. The characteristic PLP-dependent enzymes in this respect are tyrosine phenol-lyase (TPL) (EC, tryptophan indole-lyase (EC, and L-methionine-c-lyase (EC These enzymes are used as very effective biocatalysts for preparation of enantiomerically pure a-deuterated (S)-amino acids [5][6][7].In the framework of the generally accepted notions of mechanisms of PLP-dependent enzymes the mechanism of the isotopic exchange traditionally is considered to be associated with formation of quinonoid intermediates (Scheme 1). In the holoenzymes (E) the cofactor PLP is bound in the active site as an Ôinternal aldimineÕ with an e-amino group of a definite lysine residue. As a result of interaction with an amino acid substrate, or inhibitor, the internal aldimine (E) is substituted by an ÔexternalÕ one (ES), which undergoes the abstraction of the a-proton by a certain enzyme group, leading to formation of a Ôquinonoid intermediateÕ (EA). The reversibility of the latter transformation should lead in heavy water to the isotopic exchange of the a-proton if the abstracted proton may be easily exchanged with the solvent. However, the kinetics of quinonoid formation was examined until now only in water solutions [8][9][10][11], while measurements in heavy water, in conditions identical to those of the isotopic exchange, were not performed. No attempts to quantitatively estimate the rates of the exchange of the abstracted proton in the active site have been reported. We have noted earlier [8] that no direct correlation was observed between the amount of the quinonoid intermediate formed und...