The mineralocorticoid hormones especially aldosterone have an important role in regulating body electrolyte balance by increasing Na" reabsorption and K" excretion; thereby, assisting in the regulation of the body fluid volume. The present study was undertaken to determine which pathway is responsible for the secretion of aldosterone in the dehydrated camel; either the renin-angiotensin axis or the ACTH axis. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and enalapril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I), were utilized in two separate experiments in dehydrated and control (hydration) arabian camels rCamelus dromedariusl Forty 3-5 year one-humped camels rCamelus dromedarius). (20 males; 20 females) were used. In the first experiment the camels were randomly assigned to four groups of 5 camels each: 1) hydration (firee access to water), 2) hydration plus enalapril, 3) dehydration (10 days of water deprivation), and 4) dehydration (10 days of water deprivation) plus enalapril. Enalapril (0.2 |xg/kg) induced a sharp decrease in plasma Na"^ and an increase in plasma K" concentrations in the dehydrated camels but not in the hydrated camels. After enaiapril administration, plasma osmolality decreased significantly in both dehydrated and hydrated camels. Enaiapril administration induced a decrease in plasma aldosterone concentrations in both the dehydrated and hydrated camels. Plasma angiotensin 11 concentrations decreased in the dehydrated camels but not the hydrated camels after enaiapril administration. Plasma renin activity (PRA) increased significantly in the dehydrated camels after enaiapril administration but not in hydrated animals. In the second experiment, ACTH administration (0.4 lU / kg) had no significant efifects on plasma electrolytes and osmolality in either the dehydrated or hydrated camels. The administration of ACTH induced a sharp increase in plasma Cortisol concentrations in both the dehydrated and hydrated camels. Plasma aldosterone concentrations, however, increased only in the dehydrated camels and declined in 24 hours in the presence of continuous administration of ACTH. The present study clearly shows that both angiotensin 11 and ACTH stimulate aldosterone secretion during dehydration in camels. However, due to the parallel increase in PRA, plasma angiotensin 11 and plasma aldosterone in dehydrated camels without any parallel changes in plasma Cortisol or ACTH, the effect of angiotensin II seems to be dominant over ACTH.