Time-optimal path following, i.e. moving a robot's end-effector optimally along a specified geometric path, is a very important and well discussed problem in robotics. Nevertheless, most of the existing approaches concerning this topic neglect the speed dependency of torque constraints. The present paper presents a method for taking such constraints into account within a dynamic programming approach. To this end, the problem is treated in parameter space. This allows for an optimal use of existing resources. Due to the demanding constraints, precise mathematical models of the robots are indispensable. A satisfying match between model and real system can usually be achieved by parameter identification. For this purpose, it is a common way to derive the equations of motion using nominal parameters (masses, position of center of gravity, inertia and friction parameters), rewrite the equations in terms of linearly independent base parameters, and determine them with the help of measurements. Nevertheless, a parametrization of the motor torques has to be introduced in order to be able to consider their constraints within the optimization. In contrast to this, we present a general toolchain, based on the Projection Equation that directly derives the base parameter representation and furthermore the coefficients of the parametrized equations of motion. A verification in terms of a numerical example for a six-axis industrial robot demonstrate why speed dependent torque constraints are preferable over constant torque constraints for time-optimal robot trajectories. With a subsequent QR-decomposition, linearly independent base parameters p B are determined, resulting in Q = Θ B p B . In doing so, Θ B = ΘF Θ contains the linearly independent columns of Θ that are selected with the binary selection matrix F Θ . Numerical values for p B are then identified using a least squares error minimization.Parametrization of the EoM: Since the path is defined as a function of s, the EoM have to be parametrized along this path. The goal is to derive coefficients a Q (s), b Q (s), c Q (s) and d Q (s) so that the generalized torques can be written asA common approach is the insertion of specific values for q,q,q and g into Q = Θ(q,q,q)p, see e.g. [3]. This procedure has some drawbacks especially for systems with many DoF, since the resulting terms are not always easy to simplify. Alternatively, the parametrization of the EoM can elegantly be performed analytically using the previous mentioned method. For this reasonq(s) andq(s) are substituted into Θ Rc , Θ Rv , Θ T M and Θ T , where a separation concerning z , z and √ z is done. For indicating corresponding values an additional index is introduced. Terms concerning z are indexed with a, terms concerning z with b, terms concerning √ z with d and residual terms with c. After selecting the linearly independent columns of the parametrized information matrix with F Θ ,the coefficients follow by separation toThe matrices that are necessary for their calculation are mainly known from dynamic m...