We introduce a new functional Ep on the space of conformal structures on an oriented projective manifold (M, p). The nonnegative quantity Ep([g]) measures how much p deviates from being defined by a [g]-conformal connection. In the case of a projective surface (Σ, p), we canonically construct an indefinite Kähler-Einstein structure (hp, Ωp) on the total space Y of a fibre bundle over Σ and show that a conformal structure [g] is a critical point for Ep if and only if a certain lift [g] : (Σ, [g]) → (Y, hp) is weakly conformal. In fact, in the compact case Ep([g]) is -up to a topological constant -just the Dirichlet energy of [g]. As an application, we prove a novel characterisation of properly convex projective structures among all flat projective structures. As a by-product, we obtain a Gauss-Bonnet type identity for oriented projective surfaces.