Multimaterial topology optimization often leads to members containing composite materials. However, in some instances, designers might be interested in using only one material for each member. Therefore, we propose an algorithm that selects a single preferred material from multiple materials per overlapping set. We develop the algorithm, based on the evaluation of both the strain energy and the cross-sectional area of each member, to control the material profile (ie, the number of materials) in each subdomain of the final design. This algorithm actively and iteratively selects materials to ensure that a single material is used for each member. In this work, we adopt a multimaterial formulation that handles an arbitrary number of volume constraints and candidate materials. To efficiently handle such volume constraints, we employ the ZPR (Zhang-Paulino-Ramos) design variable update scheme for multimaterial optimization, which is based upon the separability of the dual objective function of the convex subproblem with respect to Lagrange multipliers. We provide an alternative derivation of this update scheme based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Through numerical examples, we demonstrate that the proposed material selection algorithm, which can be readily implemented in multimaterial optimization, along with the ZPR update scheme, is robust and effective for selecting a single preferred material among multiple materials.
KEYWORDSground structure method, material nonlinearity, material selection algorithm, multimaterial topology optimization, multiple volume constraints, ZPR update algorithm