Abstract. Let W (A) and We(A) be the joint numerical range and the joint essential numerical range of an m-tuple of self-adjoint operators A = (A1, . . . , Am) acting on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. It is shown that We(A) is always convex and admits many equivalent formulations. In particular, for any fixed i ∈ {1, . . . , m}, We(A) can be obtained as the intersection of all sets of the formwhere F = F * has finite rank. Moreover, the closure cl(W (A)) of W (A) is always starshaped with the elements in We(A) as star centers. Although cl(W (A)) is usually not convex, an analog of the separation theorem is obtained, namely, for any element d / ∈ cl(W (A)), there is a linear functional f such that f (d) > sup{f (a) : a ∈ cl(W (Ã))}, whereà is obtained from A by perturbing one of the components Ai by a finite rank self-adjoint operator. Other results on W (A) and We(A) extending those on a single operator are obtained.