PreliminariesWe shall start by recalling the definition and some basic properties of a convexity space; a topological convexity space (tcs) will then be a convexity space together with an admissible topology, and will be a generalisation of a topological vector space (tvs). After showing that the usual tvs results connecting the linear and topological properties extend to this new setting we then prove a form of the Krein-Milman theorem in a tcs.Let J b e a non-empty set, let a, b, ... be elements of X, and let A, B, ... be subsets of X. We do not distinguish between a point of X and the singleton subset which it defines. Thus in X the notation e is redundant and is replaced by <=. Also we write AxB for A meets B or AnB / 0. A join on A" is a mapping •: Xx X->2 X , i.e. it associates with each ordered pair by (a, b).(c, d) = a.cxb.d (a, ccX; b, d<= Y), then it is easily verified that this product space is a convexity space. Although the above axioms are algebraic in nature they have a strong geometric motivation based on the vector space example. The properties of joins are discussed in more detail in (2), (5) and some consequences of these axioms are given in (1), (3). We have included here only those properties necessary for our subsequent study of topologies on (X, •). One consequence of the axiom aa = a = a/a is that a<=-ab if and only