Rhythmites in pelagic sediments can include information on paleoclimate and with orbital cycles. This paper documents and interprets an unusual rhythmic succession from a cool-water shallow-marine shelf that includes features of Mediterranean-type ramps and open-ocean-type ramps. In the subsiding southwestern margin of the Guadix Basin (southern Spain, Betic Cordillera), during the late Tortonian, a 640-m-thick succession was deposited over a short period (7.8-7.2 Ma). This succession contains 30 sedimentary packages or rhythmites, each defined by two facies associations: a mixed crossstratified siliciclastic-skeletal sandstone and a homogeneous marl rich in planktonic foraminifera. Sandstones ranging in thickness from 3 m to 20 m contain coralline algae, bivalves, bryozoans, benthic foraminifera, echinoids, and brachiopods (typical temperate-water shelf biofacies). These units exhibit cross-strata sets up to four meters high, interpreted to have been produced by strong unidirectional currents. The marly deposits range in thickness from 2 to 17 m and contain an association of cold-water planktonic foraminifera as well as thin sandstone layers that exhibit normal grading corresponding to typical incomplete Bouma sequences or a lower division with planar lamination and an upper division of very fine-to fine-grained sandstone with hummocky and swaly cross-stratification. On the basis of the sedimentary structures, the sandstone layers are interpreted as sporadic turbidity flows and storm ebb-surge deposits.On the basis of the sedimentary structures, the hydrodynamic conditions during deposition of the mixed siliciclasticcarbonate interval were high-energy. Based on sedimentary and biogenic features of the rhythmites and their temporal durations (ca. 20 ka), rhythmicity is interpreted to reflect alternating cool-wet and cold-dry climate episodes driven by precession orbital cycles. This occurrence of alternating mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentation and pelagic sediments represents a unique occurrence in the geologic record.