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ABSTRACTThe interaction between discrete components of Internet of Things (IoT) and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is vital for a collaborative system. The secure and reliable use of Cruise Control (CC) with Cloud and Edge Cloud to achieve complete autonomy for a vehicle is a key component and a major challenge for ITS. This research unravels the complications that arise when Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is incorporated into a collaborative environment. It mainly answers the question of where to securely compute Collaborative Cruise Control's (CCC) data in a connected environment. To address this, the paper initially reviews previous research in the domain of Vehicular Cloud, ITS architecture, related threat modelling approaches, and secure implementations of ACC. An overview application model for CCC is developed for performing a threat analysis with the purpose of investigating the reasons why a vehicle suffers collision. Through the use of interviews, the research analyses and suggests the location of computational data by creating a taxonomy between the Edge Cloud, Cloud and the On-board Unit (OBU) while validating the model.