This research investigates the psychology and behavior of users engaging in short-form video shopping platforms (SVSP) from a user experience perspective. By extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Information System Success Model (ISS), an intention-to-use model for SVSP was developed. We conducted a survey on participants of SVSP shopping through the Questionnaire Star platform, obtaining 1,026 valid responses. Structural equation modeling (SEM-AMOS) was utilized to validate the hypotheses. Key findings include: perceived usefulness positively influences user engagement, purchase intention, and satisfaction; information quality positively impacts purchase intention; perceived ease of use negatively affects user engagement and satisfaction. Indirect effects on use intention were observed via mediation variables. Additionally, price negatively moderates the relationship between satisfaction, user engagement, and purchase intention. These findings contribute to theory and emphasizes user experience and provides actionable insights for sellers to boost engagement and satisfaction, along with managerial strategies to optimize short-form video live shopping experiences.