“…Thereby,s ingle-crystals of 3 were obtained in 66 %y ield by diffusion of pentane into at oluenes olution of the crude reaction mixture. 3 is characterized by two broad signals at d B = À16.8 and À21.0 ppm in the 11 B{ 1 H} NMR spectrum.A dditionally,t he 1 HNMR spectrum features ad oublet at d H = 2.88 ppm ( 2 J PH = 4.0 Hz), consistent with protonation of the former carbene carbon atom, as well (3),Ru ÀS1 2.4382(9), RuÀB 2.457(4), PÀS1 2.0140(11), S2ÀO1 1.440(2),S 2 ÀO2 1.447 (2),P ÀC1 1.780 (3), S2ÀC1 1.752 (3), C1-B-Ru 61.63(16), C1-Ru-S17 7.84 (8), S2-C1-P 120.44 (19), S2-C1-Ru 115.69 (17), B1-C1-Ru79.44 (19). 3:Ru ÀC1 2.189(4), RuÀS1 2.3872 (11), RuÀB2 .395(5),S1 ÀB2 1.903(5),S 1 ÀB1 1.942(5),S2 ÀO2 1.441 (3), S2ÀO1 1.456 (3), S2ÀC1 1.753(4), PÀC1 1.809(4),P 1 ÀB1 1.928(5), B2-S1-B1106.7(2), B2-S1-Ru 66.78 (15), S2-C1-P 122.0(2), S2-C1-Ru1 15.8 (2), P-C1-Ru 108.8 (2), P-B1-S1102.8 (2), S1-B2-Ru 66.33(16).…”