It is universally accepted that resistance training promotes increases in
muscle strength and hypertrophy in younger and older populations. Although
less investigated, studies largely suggest resistance training results in
lower skeletal muscle mitochondrial volume; a phenomenon which has been
described as a “dilution of the mitochondrial volume” via
resistance training. While this phenomenon is poorly understood, it is
likely a result of muscle fiber hypertrophy outpacing mitochondrial
biogenesis. Critically, there is no evidence to suggest resistance training
promotes a net loss in mitochondria. Further, given the numerous reports
suggesting resistance training does not decrease and may even increase
VO2max in previously untrained individuals, it is plausible
certain aspects of mitochondrial function may be enhanced with resistance
training, and this area warrants further research consideration. Finally,
there are emerging data suggesting resistance training may affect
mitochondrial dynamics. The current review will provide an in-depth
discussion of these topics and posit future research directions which can
further our understanding of how resistance training may affect skeletal
muscle mitochondrial physiology.