The most popular values in cooperative games with transferable utilities are perhaps the Shapley and the Shapley like values which are based on the notion of players' marginal productivity. The equal division rule on the other hand, is based on egalitarianism where resource is equally divided among players, no matter how productive they are. However none of these values explicitly discuss players' multilateral interactions with peers in deciding to form coalitions and generate worths. In this paper we study the effect of multilateral interactions of a player that accounts for her contributions with her peers not only at an individual level but also on a group level. Based on this idea, we propose a value called the MI k -value and characterize it by the axioms of linearity, anonymity, efficiency and a new axiom: the axiom of MN k -player. An MN kplayer is one whose average marginal contribution due to her multilateral interactions upto level k is zero and can be seen as a generalization of the standard null player axiom of the Shapley value. We have shown that the MI k -value on a variable player set is asymptotically close to the equal division rule. Thus our value realizes solidarity among players by incorporating both their individual and group contributions.