Shear-coupled migration of grain boundary (GB) was theoretically modeled as a generic mode of plastic deformation in nanocrystalline materials. The energy change due to this process that carried both rotational and translational plastic flow through the normal migration and the shear coupled to the said migration, respectively, was calculated. The results obtained revealed that the shear-coupled migration was energetically more favorable than the pure migration of a grain boundary. The translational deformation can turn the initially energetically unfavorable process into a favorable one, and it can decrease the critical stress required to initiate the process of migration by around 30%-80% as compared with that for pure GB migration. V C 2012 American Institute of Physics.Extensive investigations have shown that grain boundaries (GBs) play a much more important role in contributing to the outstanding physical and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline (NC) materials than those in their coarse-grained counterparts. 1 Various GB-mediated processes, e.g., GB sliding, 2 GB migration, 3,4 Coble creep, 5 rotation, 6 and grain growth, 7 intensively occurred in the former, whereas, the slip of conventional lattice dislocations dominated in the latter. Recently, GB migrations attract intensive scientific interests because they have been found to be closely related to grain growth in NC materials and their exceptional ductility and toughness. 7-11 The normal GB migration was usually accompanied by a tangential translation parallel to the GB plane for both low-angle and high-angle boundaries, which would then produce shear deformation of the lattice traversed by the GB when an external stress field was applied at room temperature or 0 K, as revealed by some molecular dynamics (MD) and quasi-continuum studies for both bicrystals 6,12-18 and nano-polycrystallines. [19][20][21][22] This phenomenon was also observed in many experiments for bicrystals 23-26 and nanocrystalline materials. [27][28][29][30] This process is athermal because it can be driven by external stress. The translation distance s is proportional to the migration distance m, which are related by a coupling factor b¼s=m. 31 The value of the coupling factor b is determined by the geometry of the specific GB. 17,31 Based on the general observation made in MD simulations and experiments, the shear-coupled migration can, thus, be viewed as a generic deformation mode in NC materials. Previous studies had demonstrated that the stress-driven GB migration exhibited a rotational deformation mode 32 and it was an effective toughening mechanism in NC materials 11 that could enhance the ductility of such materials by cooperating with GB sliding. 9,10,33 However, the coupling of shear with the normal migration process was ignored in these investigations as it was thought to be suppressed in nano-polycrystallines. The question arising from the above observation is why the normal GB migration usually coupled with a shear? The main aim of this letter is to address this issu...