Topological constraints placed on short fragments of DNA change the disorder found in chain molecules randomly decorated by nonspecific, architectural proteins into tightly organized 3D structures. The bacterial heat-unstable (HU) protein builds up, counter to expectations, in greater quantities and at particular sites along simulated DNA minicircles and loops. Moreover, the placement of HU along loops with the "wild-type" spacing found in the Escherichia coli lactose (lac) and galactose (gal ) operons precludes access to key recognition elements on DNA. The HU protein introduces a unique spatial pathway in the DNA upon closure. The many ways in which the protein induces nearly the same closed circular configuration point to the statistical advantage of its nonspecificity. The rotational settings imposed on DNA by the repressor proteins, by contrast, introduce sequential specificity in HU placement, with the nonspecific protein accumulating at particular loci on the constrained duplex. Thus, an architectural protein with no discernible DNA sequencerecognizing features becomes site-specific and potentially assumes a functional role upon loop formation. The locations of HU on the closed DNA reflect long-range mechanical correlations. The protein responds to DNA shape and deformability-the stiff, naturally straight double-helical structure-rather than to the unique features of the constituent base pairs. The structures of the simulated loops suggest that HU architecture, like nucleosomal architecture, which modulates the ability of regulatory proteins to recognize their binding sites in the context of chromatin, may influence repressoroperator interactions in the context of the bacterial nucleoid.NA behaves differently in a cellular milieu than in aqueous salt solution. Proteins attach to widely spaced sites along genomic sequences in vivo and force the intervening DNA into loops much shorter in length than those expected from the natural deformational properties of the double helix. For example, the control of gene expression in Escherichia coli entails the formation of short DNA loops, some ∼100 bp steps in length, that preclude access of RNA polymerase to the signals needed to transcribe the enzymes encoded within various operons (1, 2). DNA of the same length tends to be highly extended in vitro, with very low chances of closing spontaneously into a loop (3, 4).Aside from the proteins that hold specific sequences at the ends of short DNA loops in place, the cellular environment includes a number of other components that influence the properties of DNA loops. For example, the naturally abundant, nonspecific E. coli heat-unstable (HU) protein plays important roles both in cellular processing and in shaping the architecture of the bacterial nucleoid. The dimeric protein introduces large deformations in DNA-sharp bends, helical untwisting, and helical axis dislocation (5)-that are central to its activity. The binding of HU to an AT-rich sequence element stabilizes loops important for repression of the galactose (ga...