Consistent quantum approach to new laserelectron-nuclear effects in diatomic molecules Abstract. We present a consistent, quantum approach to the calculation of electron-nuclear γ spectra (set of vibrational and rotational satellites) for nuclei in diatomic molecules. The approach generelizes the well known Letokhov-Minogin model and is based on the Dunham model potential approximation for potential curves of diatomic molecules. The method is applied to the calculation of probabilities of the vibration-rotation-nuclear transitions in a case of emission and absorption spectrum for the nucleus 127 I (E
IntroductionIn the last two decades the photo excitation and ionization of molecules, semiconductors and solids by neutrons, photons, electrons has attracted widespread research (c.f. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]). It is stimulated by appearance of the intensive neutron pencils, powerful laser sources etc. Our paper is devoted to studying co-operative dynamical phenomena due to the interaction between photons, nuclei and electron shells in atomic and molecular systems In this direction one could consider the following problems: i) the exploration of mixed optical quantum photo transitions and laser-electron-nuclear photo processes in molecular systems, ii) spectroscopy of resonances and the creation of additional satellites and narrow resonances inside the Doppler contour of radiation line, and iii) governing by intensity of the complicated transitions due to the change of atomic and molecular excited state populations in a laser field. We present a consistent approach to the description of new class of the dynamical laser-electron-nuclear effects in molecular systems. In particular, the exploration of nuclear emission or absorption spectrum for diatomic molecules is a subject of our interest. This spectrum contains a set of electronvibration-rotational satellites, which are arisen due to the alteration of the corresponding molecular states during the interaction of molecules with intense laser (gaser)fields [1,[4][5][6][7][8].The mechanism of forming the corresponding satellites in molecular spectra is connected with the shaking of electron shells resulting from the interaction between nuclei and γ quantums. The well known example is the Szilard-Chalmers effect (molecular dissociation because of the recoil during radiating gamma quantum with large energy) [1]. It is well known that in a case of atoms the corresponding satellite spectrum is much enriched. One could consider the transitions between the fine structure components, 0-0 transitions and transitions, which do not involve the change in electron configurations. Compared to atoms, molecules represent a more complex