-We present a comprehensive analysis of effective temperatures based on fluctuationdissipation relations in a model of an active fluid composed of self-propelled hard disks. We first investigate the relevance of effective temperatures in the dilute and moderately dense fluids. We find that a unique effective temperature does not in general characterize the non-equilibrium dynamics of the active fluid over this broad range of densities, because fluctuation-dissipation relations yield a lengthscale-dependent effective temperature. By contrast, we find that the approach to a non-equilibrium glass transition at very large densities is accompanied by the emergence of a unique effective temperature shared by fluctuations at all lengthscales. This suggests that an effective thermal dynamics generically emerges at long times in very dense suspensions of active particles due to the collective freezing occurring at non-equilibrium glass transitions.Introduction. -Statistical mechanics provides a unified theoretical description of systems at thermal equilibrium in terms of the probability distribution over phase space, from which thermodynamic quantities such as temperature can be defined [1]. A similar framework is lacking for out-of-equilibrium systems for which the definition of a temperature remains an open issue [2]. Active matter formed by assemblies of living cells [3], bacteria [4], selfpropelled colloids [5][6][7][8] or grains [9,10], is a coherent class of non-equilibrium systems receiving increasing attention, because they raise fundamental issues and for potential applications in soft matter and biophysics [11,12]. A number of recent studies have addressed the question of whether "effective" thermodynamic concepts can be fruitfully applied to describe the phase behaviour and microscopic dynamics of active matter. This question is natural because if some mapping to an equilibrium situation exists, then the whole arsenal of equilibrium statistical mechanics becomes available for further theoretical treatment. In particular the definition of a non-equilibrium temperature [13][14][15][16][17][18], of an active pressure [8,19,20], of activityinduced interactions [8,21] and non-equilibrium free energies [22,23] have been investigated for self-propelled particles.