Resonance fluorescence of two-level atoms pumped by a strong resonant laser field is examined, taking account of cooperative damping y 12 and level shifts 012 due to radiative and dipole-dipole interaction . Applying the Lehmberg master equation for two atoms, we derive a closed set of 15 equations of motion for the time evolution of the atomic variables . The set is solved using the Laplace transform and quantum regression theory for the steady-state spectrum and intensity correlation . The steady-state solutions for y 12 0 y (where 2y is Einstein's coefficient A) are shown to differ by a `scaling factor' from those for Y12=y . In the strong field limit 52>>y (where 0 is the Rabi frequency), for the three regions (1) 52>>y»52 12 , ( 2) f2>> 12>>y and (3) 52z52 12 »y we derive analytical formulae for the spectra of symmetric and antisymmetric modes . The intensity correlation function is calculated for regions (1)-(3) .
. IntroductionCooperative effects in resonance fluorescence arising from the interaction of many two-level atoms with an external laser field have been studied extensively during the past few years [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] . Strict solutions of the problem, however, can be obtained only for systems of a few (two or three) atoms [13][14][15][16][17][18][19] . To solve the problem for the many-atom case some approximations are needed, for example suitable decoupling procedures [7][8][9][10][11] . This is precisely why two-atom resonance fluorescence has become a subject of extensive research in recent years . The resonance fluorescence spectrum and intensity correlations have been considered for the smallsample case (the S 2 -conserving system) as well as for an extended system (the S 2 conservation breaking case) in either the master equation [5][6][7][8][9][10]15] or Green's function [13][14] approach . It has been shown that the two-atom resonance fluorescence spectrum should exhibit additional side-bands at ao-co o = ± 252, where 92 is the Rabi frequency . As has been shown [10,15], these additional peaks should be distinguishable from the background only at extremely large 52, while at moderately large S2 a cooperative system of two atoms has the three-peak structure of resonance fluorescence spectra well known from the one-atom theory [20-23] (see also [24]) . In those calculations, the first-order dispersion forces (or dipole-dipole interactions) between the atoms [25] were usually neglected . Freedhoff [26] and Kilin [27], using a dressed atom approach, have included dipole-dipole interaction and obtained analytical formulae for the resonance fluorescence spectrum . They have shown that the spectrum consists of seven lines, with the side-lines symmetrically located with respect to the central line . Their formulae, however, are valid only when the dipoledipole interaction between the atoms is comparable to the interaction of one atom t This research was supported by Research Project MR 1 .5 .