We present a combined numerical and analytical study of pattern formation in an active system where particles align, possess a density-dependent motility, and are subject to a logistic reaction. This is a model for suspensions of reproducing bacteria, but it can also represent, in the ordered phase, actomyosin gels in vitro or in vivo. In the disordered phase, we find that motility suppression and growth compete to yield stable or blinking patterns, which, when dense enough, acquire internal orientational ordering, to yield asters or spirals. In the ordered phase, the reaction term leads to previously unobserved never-settling patterns which can provide a simple framework to understand the formation of motile and spiral patterns in actin. PACS numbers: 87.18.Gh, 05.65.+b, 87.18.Hf Bacterial suspensions self-organize into a variety of intriguing patterns visible under the microscope. For instance, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium colonies growing on soft agar form crystalline or amorphous arrangements of high-density bacterial clumps [1][2][3], as well as stripe patterns [4]. Biofilms exhibit even more elaborate patterns of high density immobile regions and low-density spots or voids [5]. A large amount of theoretical work has been devoted to understanding the role of external chemical cues in driving such pattern formation by modeling the system via coupled nonlinear diffusionreaction equations [1,6]. It was recently demonstrated [7][8][9] that effective models of reproducing organisms that do not explicitly include chemotaxis can also yield stable patterns, as a result of the interplay between bacterial reproduction and death and the suppression of cell motility, which may arise from local crowding or biochemical signaling such as quorum sensing [4,10]. Motility suppression has been further explored theoretically in models of self-propelled particles with density conservation [10][11][12][13][14]. With only steric repulsion and no alignment, motility suppression yields macroscopic phase separation, with large pretransitional density fluctuations [11,12]. In Vicsektype models with aligning interactions [13], the interplay of self-trapping and alignment yields a rich collection of traveling patterns, including bands, clumps and lanes [13].In this paper we consider a continuum model of active matter where activity couples to a reactive logistic term, hence density is not conserved. This provides a model for bacterial suspensions that incorporates cell reproduction and death [15], motility suppression, as well as cell alignment as it may be induced by medium-mediated hydrodynamic interaction, quorum sensing, or anisotropic cell shape. In the context of actin gels and solutions, a reactive term may arise due to e.g. polymerization (limited by crowding) [16].Our model is formulated in terms of two continuum fields, the cell density, ρ(r, t), and the cell polarization density, w(r, t). The vector field w plays the dual role of orientational order parameter describing the local polar alignment of cells tr...