For linear and cyclic coupling reactions of CO, among other products, the formation of the hexapotassium salt of hexahydroxybenzene is of particularinteresting. The interaction of metallic potassium and CO offers, via the assumed K[OCCO]K as the result of severalc arbon monoxide coupling reactions, the formation of C 6 (OK) 6 among otherp roducts.T od ate, only speculations exist about the reaction pathway for these products,w hich were first described by Liebig in 1834. An ovel concept is suggested here, whichc onsists of the single steps (i)reductive coupling of CO, (ii)formation of dihetero-metallacyclopentynes (cis-2,5-diheterobutatriene as formal ethylenedione O=C=C=Oc omplexes), (iii)formation of its dinuclear 1-metalla-2,5-dioxo-cyclopentyne complexes by external coordination of the triple bond,(iv) insertion of CO into the MÀCb ond of the formed metallacyclopropene, and (v) the reductive eliminationo fC 6 (OK) 6 .T he novel aspect of this concept is the formation of dihetero-metallacyclopentynes (in analogy to the well characterized all-C-metallacyclopentynes),w hich have not been considered in the mechanism of reductiveC Oc oupling reactions. It is expected that the presence of transition-metal impurities would promote the reaction.