General principles of protein structure, stability, and folding kinetics have recently been explored in computer simulations of simple exact lattice models. These models represent protein chains at a rudimentary level, but they involve few parameters, approximations, or implicit biases, and they allow complete explorations of conformational and sequence spaces. Such simulations have resulted in testable predictions that are sometimes unanticipated: The folding code is mainly binary and delocalized throughout the amino acid sequence. The secondary and tertiary structures of a protein are specified mainly by the sequence of polar and nonpolar monomers. More specific interactions may refine the structure, rather than dominate the folding code. Simple exact models can account for the properties that characterize protein folding: two-state cooperativity, secondary and tertiary structures, and multistage folding kinetics-fast hydrophobic collapse followed by slower annealing. These studies suggest the possibility of creating "foldable" chain molecules other than proteins. The encoding of a unique compact chain conformation may not require amino acids; it may require only the ability to synthesize specific monomer sequences in which at least one monomer type is solvent-averse.Keywords: chain collapse; hydrophobic interactions; lattice models; protein conformations; protein folding; protein stabilityWe review the principles of protein structure, stability, and folding kinetics from the perspective of simple exact models. We focus on the "folding code''-how the tertiary structure and folding pathway of a protein are encoded in its amino acid sequence. Although native proteins are specific, compact, and often remarkably symmetrical structures, ordinary synthetic polymers in solution, glasses, or melts adopt large ensembles of more expanded conformations, with little intrachain organization. With simple exact models, we ask what are the fundamental causes of the differences between proteins and other polymers-What makes proteins special?One view of protein folding assumes that the "local" interactions among the near neighbors in the amino acid sequence, the interactions that form helices and turns, are the main determinants of protein structure. This assumption implies that isolated helices form early in the protein folding pathway and then assemble into the native tertiary structure (see Fig. 1). It is the premise behind the paradigm, primary + secondary -+ tertiary structure, that seeks computer algorithms to predict secondary structures from the sequence, and then to assemble them into the tertiary native structure.Here we review a simple model of an alternative view, its basis in experimental results, and its implications. We show how the nonlocal interactions that drive collapse processes in heteropolymers can give rise to protein structure, stability, and folding kinetics. This perspective is based on evidence that the folding code is not predominantly localized in short windows of the amino acid sequence. It...