“…Regional economy GDP per capita (10,000 yuan/person) 0.1774 [6,18,35,49] Per capita local public budget revenue (10,000 yuan/person) 0.1453 [3,18,39,50,51] Added value of secondary industry accounts for the proportion of GDP (%) 0.1382 [1,37,40,52] Added value of tertiary industry accounts for the proportion of GDP (%) 0.0953 [1,37,40,49,53] Urban registered unemployment rate (%) 0.1125 [18,39,[54][55][56] Proportion of urban population (%) 0.0559 [9,17,37,57,58] Public transport vehicles per 10,000 people (units) 0.1497 [2,9,17,37] Per capita road area (m 2 ) 0.1257 [3,17,35,37,59] Table 1. Cont.…”