We design experimental games that capture the logic of Battaglini's (2002) construction of fully revealing equilibrium in multidimensional cheap talk. Two senders transmit information to a receiver over a 2ˆ2 state space. Despite overall misaligned interests, full revelation is achieved in equilibrium by having the senders truthfully reveal along distinct dimensions. Our experimental findings confirm that more information can be extracted with two senders in a multidimensional setting. The extent to which information is transmitted depends on whether dimensional interests are aligned between a sender and the receiver, the sizes of the message spaces, and the specification of out-of-equilibrium beliefs. While inducing interest alignment on the relevant dimensions and restricting the message spaces facilitated equilibrium play and information transmission, having a fully revealing equilibrium that is supported by implausible beliefs reduced the instances in which the equilibrium was played.Keywords: Strategic Information Transmission; Multidimensional Cheap Talk; Fully Revealing Equilibrium; Robust Equilibrium; Laboratory Experiment JEL classification: C72; C92; D82; D83 * We are grateful to Attila Ambrus, Marco Battaglini, Colin Camerer, Colin Campbell, Vincent Crawford, Shachar Kariv, Navin Kartik, Alec Smith, Joel Sobel and Satoru Takahashi for their valuable comments and suggestions. We are especially grateful to the anonymous advisory editor and referees, whose comments and suggestions helped significantly improve the paper.